Monday, September 19, 2016

A New Partner for Pilastrie

Pilastrie savored the moment, wind whipping through his hair, standing some 354 stories above the streets of Nenmarsica. They had went on and on about how a scrif from the badlands of the worst city on Gastrin would never amount to a vendors change of dishwater on a good day of Carnival.  And yet here he stood, on the top level of the Naval Ship Design Bureau, his back to one of the finest Scouts ever designed by the Sector Milbrain.

He savored one last moment looking toward the horizon and the massive towers stretching as far as the eye could see, then at a subliminal "ahem," a smile tugged at the corner of his face.  "You feel it too, marknine?"

The response was a mixture of smug satisfaction and pride, even though many would scoff at the notion that a Hammiller-Four-series implant-intelligence could achieve actual intelligence or even emotions molded from experience and sentience. "I am not above the occasional indolent preening when things go how one wishes them too, so yes, I feel the urge to jump for joy and wave a specific organic finger in the direction of those smug..."

"Okay, point taken, marknine.  Let's see what the Bureau has cooked up for us."

Turning he saw the vast expanse of the Ultra-Ultraviolet-XRay secured Tanmac which crowned the building, and realized that they had gone one extra step beyond what was strictly required for courtesy.  Perhaps even a bit of gratitude considering he had saved an entire star system.  The sole ship parked on the Tanmac was his new Scout, the Tan-Gejiin.

It's hullform began with a long tapering oval, mated with the gentle curves of it's dual engine nacelles slightly above the waterline.  He knew they were the latest iteration of Transit Drive and Impulse Engines in use by the Anneyzan Federal Fleet.  It floated just above the surface of the tanmac, buoyed by the integral ag-field. Walking toward the front of the Tan-Gejiin, he came around the starboard side of the vessel and whistled appreciatively at the multi turret hardpoints which were extended for his inspection.  Gleaming under the noonday suns, the multiple Thamba-cannon promised swift reprisal if the Tan-Gejiin were threatened.

He projected a command and the ship's airlock irised open, a gangway extended and touched the ground.  "Let's see what she can do."

marknine replied, "With pleasure, and I'll get acquainted with the Tan-Gejiin."

Both of them ascended into their new partner.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Far Away is my attempt to mix together the tried and true Traveller RPG with one of the longest running, if not the longest running, science fiction series in the world, Perry Rhodan.

I want to capture the scale and scope of Perry Rhodan, but have to figure out how to carry over certain concepts from Perry Rhodam, which works in scales of millions or even in some rare cases, billions of light years with Traveller which works in scales of no more than 20 light years at a time.  How do you work out not just the game mechanics but also the feel of the game?

One thing I like to do is consider not the places in the game, but  the people.  People are the core of a good RPG.  Rules come and go, settings rise and fall, there may be 1,000 or 10,000,000 stars to visit, but the one thing that consistently draws you to THAT planet or THAT star system or THAT space station are not necessarily the places themselves, but the unique individuals who live there.

Things I want to incorporate into my Far Away setting are:

1. Transit Drive, going from Jump-6 to 100 to 5,000 light years.
2. Weapon Ranges, which can be as much as several light minutes or hours.
3. Sandbox, having millions of stars inreach.
4. Psionics, not hated or feared institutionally.
5. Technology, the highest in Traveller is usually 15, and also in Far Away, but some things at TL 9 in Far Away are much more.. powerful, than at TL 9 in Traveller.  There is a good reason for that, and based on one of the only things in my setting that I am keeping as close to the vest as possible.  Sort of an end-game reveal, as it were.
6. Industrial grit, how dirty is my setting, is it like Alien, or is it like Star Trek: TNG with nary a speck of dust to be found?

So, lots of ideas, I'll post a summary of the techie side of the setting, and some summaries of the major Polities scattered across the (EGA) Explored Galactic Arm.  

Till next time.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Orm, Chain, and Blaster

Too pretentious?  Or an okay name for the bounty ripped from my bosom?  I wanted to share an image I did showing the Galaxy as we know it in broad strokes for Far Away.  Orm is a whole 'nother kettle of turtles.

My 1st post on my new blog, it's been years since I tried to do anything on Squarespace, the first blogging network I did anything with.  I've been wanting to have a place to post material relating to my Far Away RPG setting.  Far Away kind of evolved from a pure Fantasy setting in the vein of DnD and Pathfinder to also include Science Fiction content.

Far Away has a dual nature, a Fantasy world setting revolving around Orm, the creator of that universe and the Unchained Lady who was his first and last love. That is Fantasy, high, low, and medium.  The Science Fiction nature is set around an area in space on the other side of the Milky Way Galaxy from the Traveller RPG setting published by Mongoose in one of it's latest incarnations.  Things that happen in Orm also can have effects in Far Away.

So while I gather my thoughts, this will be a showcase for images of Far Away, and stories of the history of my world.
